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作者:草芽说说吧    发表时间:2020-12-07    热度:486℃


in the ordinary life, remain modest and hard. No matter how small the light is, it should always shine.

2、生活中发生的事,如果合乎理想,是我们福气,如不,当作经验。—— 亦舒

The things that happen in life, if they live up to our ideals, are our blessings; if not, our experiences. - will relieve

3、幸福如我,爱人且被爱,既不见异思迁,亦不被人抛弃。—— 莎士比亚

Happiness is like me, loving and being loved, neither changing nor being forsaken. -- Shakespeare


Like a cat, only please yourself, pay no attention to others, life may be more wonderful.


The last straw is no longer necessary to endure, life, the face when the face, don't be afraid to offend people.

6、这个年纪都是自顾不暇的人,能顾及你情绪的人实在难得 。

this age is a busy man, can take into account your emotions is really rare.
